You all might be knowing that a few days back, I released my first plugin for bbPress i.e. Social It. Social It adds a (X)HTML compliant list of social bookmarks below the first post in your forum topics. You can also use it manually and insert it anywhere on your forum.
Here is a list of the new features I am thinking to add in Social It version 1.2:
- Use your Username and API key to generate short URLs, so that you can track them
- Add to the short URL list
- Import & Export Options
These are the features I am able to think of.
Please tell me if you want to see any more features, either by commenting here or contacting me via email.
Here are some bug fixes:
- Fixing Twitter Encoding Bug
- Fixing a css bug, in which a 1px white border at the top of the bookmarks comes
If you find any other bugs, please tell me, either by commenting here or contacting me via email.