Releasing bb Mystique v1.0 – Mystique Theme for bbPress!

bb Mystique v1.0 Screenshot
bb Mystique

You must have heard of the famous Mystique theme for WordPress, haven’t you? Well, I’ve ported it over to bbPress and it can be downloaded from here. As bbPress is not that much extensive as WordPress is (in features), there are some things which are missing from the port – like the widgetized sidebar, menus, thumbnails and some other small things. For the time being, there is no settings page – I’ll add one soon. Till then, you can edit the file settings.php located in the lib folder of the theme (from lines 11 to 20) for some basic settings.


  • bbPress 1.0+ (works best with bbPress 1.1+ – it hasn’t been released yet)


bb Mystique v1.0 Screenshot
bb Mystique (click to enlarge)


bb Mystique


    1. Yes thanks 🙂 I fix it. (chmod 755)
      Can I translate this theme in french with the .po of the wordpress theme ?

  1. Hi Gautam,

    Is this theme compatible with bbPress v. 2.1.2?

    I’ve loaded it (/plugins/bbpress/bbp-themes/) but it’s not coming up in the list of themes in the admin and then I noticed this post and the download is dated in 2010.



    1. This theme was built for bbPress 1.0-1.1 standalone only. If you’re running Mystique on your blog, bbPress 2.1.x would automatically try to merge into the theme of your blog. 🙂

  2. Thank you Gautam. That is what I thought.

    I love your blog …. keep up the awesome work.

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