Wondered where to start reading about Bitcoins? This reading list just assumes you’ve heard about the concept, want to learn about it in-depth, and are willing to invest the required amount of time at a fair pace.
- Quick intro in this presentation.
- “How does it work?” Nothing better than to read the official paper.
- Optional: Didn’t understand some things? Read the annotated paper.
- At this point, subscribe to CoinDesk and start following /r/Bitcoin.
- Buy some. Buying and using for beginners.
- Side: “Will this ever work?” Maybe “How did cash come into being?” will answer this better. Read this article by Nick Szabo, one of the key people in the field.
- Wait, there are other cryptocurrencies too.
- The Computer Science of Crypto-Currency
- List in progress…
Updated: 11 May 2015
Further Reading Lists
Kudos to Joe, Dominik and David on getting me started! The list is pre-dominantly based on their input.