I am glad to announce my fourth plugin for bbPress called Ajaxed Chat. Ajaxed Chat adds a fast, customizable, multi-language Chat Room to your Forums and uses a simple file-system/mysql storage for messages and nicknames. The plugin uses PHPFreeChat Script as a base script to generate a chat room. It uses AJAX to smoothly refresh and display the chat zone and the nickname zone. It supports multiple rooms (`/join`), private messages, moderation (`/kick`, `/ban`) and many more commands!
Download: http://bbpress.org/plugins/topic/ajaxed-chat/
You can insert the chat box anywhere in your forums by adding this code in your template files:
<php if (function_exists('ajaxed_chat_load')) ajaxed_chat_load(); ?>
You can also view full screen chat by going to http://example.com/?chat where example.com is your forum link.
(Click on images to see enlarged view)
If you have any questions, you can ask them below here or view Frequently Asked Questions.
Very nice however I would much prefer a Ajaxed shoutbox 😉 But thats just me 😛
I give up
I installed the plugin, ran http://example.com/?chat and it just sits there stating the chat is loading
I then ran the http://example.com/my-plugins/chat.php (received server error)
Next, http://example.com/my-plugins/chat/index.php a creen appeared and said “guest”
I then threw into the default site template, and once the site loaded the first result appeared and I lost the forum
Help, please
Please keep the plugin’s directory name as ajaxed-chat
So, the URL should be something like: http://example.com/my-plugins/ajaxed-chat/(Other files here)
If the problem persists, then please contact me.
Hey Gautam nice plugin! I was wondering if you could help me with one little problem I’m having.
When ever I put the code in my front page, this warning shows up – Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /nfs/c05/h01/mnt/71232/domains/vgxnetwork.com/html/forums/my-templates/vgrevo-kakumei/header.php:11) in /nfs/c05/h01/mnt/71232/domains/vgxnetwork.com/html/forums/my-plugins/ajaxed-chat/chat/src/pfcuserconfig.class.php on line 25
I’m running the current default theme and your plug in with all the instructions.
anything I can do?
Please try using the development version which can be downloaded from here. Please refer here for more information.
Solved the problem! Thanks a lot. 🙂
Hi Gautam,
Im having the same problem as Robert. After embeding it always stucks at: “Chat loading…”. I checked the path (my-plugins/ajaxed-chat) etc.
Any idea?
That it is because the plugin needs to load the javascript files. In newer version, I will try to make it load the javascripts after the page has been loaded.
The plugin works beautifully out of the box really. Congratulations! What I would like to know is how do I set a password on a specific channel?
Thank you.
Hello again.
How can I set another user with administrator privileges (besides the Key Master) and where do I do that?
How can I have a chat page to be cleared whenever an user rejoins the chat?
Is is possible to make a bot (and if yes, how) that would control the language on the chat and would also manage the content of a page (say, some rules of conduct, a welcome message, some basic help etc.)?
Thank you.
Hello everyone. I have mounted phpFreeChat chat as a plugin in bbPress forum.
I would like without having to enter the chat to display registered users are currently logged into the chat. A kind of feature that shows users online chat.
To find users who are online bbPress forum there is a plugin that I have installed, but this does not help, because you can be logged into the forum but can not be using the chat. Is there any way to display online chat users without entering it?
A greeting and thanks in advance.